Sunday, January 27, 2019

Beauty of Mother Nature

I learned the way of living from water. Everyone looks for harmony and peace in their life. But do they get it? We all are a part of the fast running world and everyone is busy making money, getting attention from others, spending a lot of time on social media. Did these things are giving that happiness and inner peace? 

In this technological world, we made ourselves so busy that we are avoiding our mother nature and its beauty, grace, love. We disconnected ourselves from our original roots.
 Even I did the same, spent a lot of time on useless things or I must say addictive things like social media, gaming, facebook etc. But not anymore, It took a lot of time to go away from these things. It wasn't easy at all, but I made it.  

Now I love to look at the beauty around me, doesn't matter wherever i go. Spending time in nature makes me feel alive, full of joy, energetic, calm and at inner peace. Life is beautiful, amazing and full of surprises. Find your connection with nature, if need any help please contact me through my email.

The Sun May Set, But The Memories Will Last Forever

 The Sun May Set, But The Memories Will Last Forever